The Worthiness Codes Container

The Worthiness Codes Container 

An intimate one on one 8 week container guiding you through a deep inner ascension journey to reclaim your divine self worth. 

The Worthiness Codes is a cellular blueprint guiding your Soul’s ascension into awakening your power, self-mastery, and divine worthiness that lives within you.

This is a potent journey of rebirth where you will go through shedding, healing, and awakening to fully embody your power, reclaim your worth and receive all that you desire. 

This is a journey for those who are feeling the call for something deeper.

If you feel the pull to begin your awakening, expand upon your spiritual journey, become more confident in knowing your worth or heal from trauma and old programming than this blueprint is ready to be activated within you. 

A discovery call is required as you must be open to receiving these codes and committing to your sacred YES for your Soul’s awakening. 

  • 8 weeks of 1:1 in-person / virtual 90 minute sessions 

  • Integration support

  • Post container check in calls  

  • Done in-person in Hermosa Beach or virtually via Zoom